This post was supposed to be the one detailing my fun adventures in Venice and Rome, but instead I'm going to tell you about fake Italy and Würzburg.

Last Friday Hayley and I woke up really early to catch a tram at 5:20 to take us to the train station in time to catch our train, which was going to get us to Hanau in time to get on a bus at 8:00 which was supposed to get to Frankfurt Hahn airport at 9:42, plenty of time to catch our 10:50 flight. Everything was fine until the bus, which was running a little late anyway, hit traffic on the freeway. An hour and a half of traffic. Apparently there had been an accident, so we ended up at the airport about 10 minutes after our flight took off. We were very sad about this and so went to the italian restaurant in the airport and ordered pizza and wine and pretended that we were in Italy. We then did all of the above transportation backwards and got home at 6 pm, 13 hours after starting out and getting pretty much no where.
We thought about trying to catch a train to France, since we had already planned on traveling that weekend, but everything was too expensive and it was rainy in Germany, so we just stayed home, did some work and watched movies all weekend. Sunday was Rex's birthday so we went to Kiliani for it's last night, watched fireworks, ate pretzles and candied nuts, and had a mass (1 liter of beer).

The next week I was just working on my project and playing frisbee. Supposedly I'm going to take data the first week in August, but it keeps getting pushed back. Hopefully it will actually happen before I leave so that when I have to give a presentation of what I've been doing all summer it is more than just simulations and theory.

This weekend I decided to do something outside. I tried to find a winery tour, but they're all in German which is problematic. There is a walk through various vineyards which I will probably do eventually, but this weekend one of my room mates and I decided to walk to a nearby forest and wander around it for a while. We really did wander - there isn't a map of the place so I just looked on google maps, took note of the roads around the edges of the forest so that we could find our way back to where we started, and off we went taking random turns whichever way looked either a) more interesting, b) had less stinging nettle or c) more pathlike and less road like. It served us well and we saw some pretty German forest before popping out in a wheat field just above the town we started in.